NYSE BondMatch To Use SunGard’s SaaS

SunGard has offered its Software-as-a-Service based market connectivity to NYSE Euronext’s European Multilateral Trading Facility NYSE BondMatch.

SunGard has offered its Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-based market connectivity to NYSE Euronext’s European Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF), NYSE BondMatch. The connectivity services will allow exchange members and their direct market access clients to trade on electronic markets from any workstation or application.

NYSE BondMatch will be fully integrated with SunGard’s Valdi hosted smart routing technology, along with SaaS-based market access services to other fixed income venues, such as EuroTLX, Borsa Italiana’s MOT or Hi-MTF. The trading facility will help professional investors trade corporate, financial and covered bonds.

Click here for the release from SunGard.