At a glance: JPMorgan Asset Management/Highbridge Capital Management

AR offers a brief profile of the nation’s second largest hedge fund group


Highbridge founded

New York, NY

Core strategies

Multistrategy; statistical arbitrage; equity long/short; convertible arbitrage; Asia opportunities; event driven; private investments

Rank in Billion Dollar Club

#2 (as of July 1, 2009)

Key people

Jes Staley, CEO of JPMorgan’s investment bank

Glenn Dubin, CEO and co-founder

Todd Builione, chief operating officer

Scott Kapnick, CEO of Highbridge principal strategies

Mary Callahan Erdoes, CEO of JPMAM

Larry Unrein, head of private equity for JPMAM

Seth Bernstein, head of global fixed income for JPMAM

Martin Porter, head of global equities for...

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