The Best Tweets From Delivering Alpha

Carl Icahn, Preet Bharara, the best investing ideas and more. Read the best tweets from the third annual Delivering Alpha conference, organized by CNBC and Institutional Investor.

CNBC Events - Season 2013

CNBC EVENTS -- Delivering Alpha -- Pictured: CNBC Institutional Invester Delivering Alpha conference keynote speaker Carl Icahn, Chairman, Icahn Enterprises, and CNBC’s Scott Wapner on July 17, 2013 in New York. -- (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/CNBC)

CNBC/Heidi Gutman/CNBC

5:51pm: Enjoyed Icahn? Well, it doesn’t have to end just because Delivering Alpha’s over. Follow him on Twitter:

If you want free advice from Carl Icahn going forward, make sure to follow @Carl_C_Icahn! #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

5:50pm: You won’t get Carl Icahn to say anything bad about Bill Ackman, or so he says. Judge the tweets for yourself:

Ackman in Canada today for board mtg; says “I have a railroad to run.” Icahn: well if he’s running the railroad I wouldn’t want to be on it. — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

“You shouldn’t micromanage a company” in reference to Ackman and Canadian Pacific #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Icahn says he wishes he’d bought more $HLF — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Carl Icahn says Herbalife stock goes up every time Bill Ackman’s talks about shorting the shares. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc Carl Icahn: “I like Ackman. Anybody that makes me a quarter of a billion I like.” — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

5:40pm Yet more from Icahn:

Carl Icahn has made $1 billion on Netflix and $250 million on Herbalife. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

Icahn damns with praise over Herbalife. “I like Ackman. Anybody that makes me a quarter of a billion I like.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Icahn also still in @Herbalife, and adds “you’re not going to get me to say anything bad about Ackman” #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Icahn: CEOs never say anything bad. “They say ‘it’s good to have you as a shareholder Mr Icahn.’” Gets another laugh. #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc Carl Icahn “The whole system is dysfunctional & that’s why I make so much money.” — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

Carl Icahn plans to explain his case for Herbalife using his twitter account. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

5:25pm: A quick sift through a torrent of Icahn-isms. The internet’s just not big enough:

Icahn: some board meetings are “better than Saturday night Live” #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Carl Icahn says he would really love to own Dell. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

“I’m a cynic about corporate democracy": @Carl_C_Icahn stroking his cultivated, near-hipster stubble at #DeliveringAlpha — Aaron Timms (@aarontimms) July 17, 2013

Icahn on Chanos’s Dell criticism: with all modesty I think I have a much better record than he has. — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Why is Icahn so busy? His wife, an investor in his fund, makes him do it. “She starts mumbling about shareholders rights.” #DeliveringAlpha — Will Alden (@williamalden) July 17, 2013

“My wife watches me like a hawk; she doesn’t let me go out. What else am I going to do?” @Carl_C_Icahn at #DeliveringAlpha — Aaron Timms (@aarontimms) July 17, 2013

5:00pm Event planning kudos to whomever put Carl Icahn at the end of the schedule. In Twitterspeak, #BestTilLast

And of course we’re all hoping for a question on Bill Ackman. Will we get it?

Mr. @Carl_C_Icahn will be interviewed by @CNBC’s @ScottWapnerCNBC during our 2nd “Alpha Agitator” session #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

4:50pm Canaries, train wrecks, bubbles and hiccups -- something’s happening with credit:

Wisconsin’s Villa calls CCC debt “canary in coal mine.” Sees credit risks spiking in 36 months — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

The likelihood of a credit hiccup in 36 months is high, says David C. Villa #deliveringalpha @iimag — Kalina Mazur (@kalinamazur) July 17, 2013

“You could call it a hiccup, you could call it a financial train wreck” but something bad will happen in credit in 36 months. David Villa — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

4:40pm “The wisdom of crowds is popular - except when it comes to investing,” reads the description of this panel. It goes on: “When the masses rush into comparable trades and trends, the result is diminished returns and compromised capacity. As top investors seek the holy grail of non-correlated returns, how are they angling to strike first and avoid the crowds?” Read these tweets to find out:

Wisconsin CIO David Villa knew there was a stock bubble in the late ‘90s when his wife said she wanted to be a day trader. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

“I don’t need a 20% return. I need 5% real, with no volatility”. Wisconsin CIO David Villa at #DeliveringAlpha — Aaron Timms (@aarontimms) July 17, 2013

Novogratz says Fed concerned by low credit spreads, not stock prices, when it comes to bubbles. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Do institutional investors contribute to bubbles by chasing returns? David Villa brings up a key point on his panel @DeliveringAlpha — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

$FIG’s Mike Novogratz says the Fed is worried about the credit market. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

Grosvenor’s Michael Sachs says that leverage is a key element to creating financial bubbles. — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

4:20pm Before we start the next panel -- on asset bubbles, and featuring Michael Novogratz of Fortress, Michael Sacks of Grosvenor Capital Management, Steve Kuhn of Pine River, and David Villa of Wisconsin Investment Board -- take some time to read International Editor Tom Buerkle’s take on the reaction at Delivering Alpha to U.S. Federal Reserve Board chairman Ben Bernanke’s comments today.

4:00pm: Some healthcare investment takeaways:

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc Larry Robbins, Glenview, likes Thermo Scientific — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha Kris Jenner, Rock Springs likes Vertex, Gilead Sciences, Pharmacyclics, though market knows their value already — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

There’ll be more Peltzisms on the next panel, but this time from Institutional Investor editor Mike rather than Trian’s Nelson. This panel is called “Health, Wealth and Happiness,” and it’s an examination of the investment landscape three years after the Affordable Care At was signed into law by President Obama. Who are the winners and losers?

Larry Robbins says, expect an increase in pharmaceutical consumerization in 2014-16 #DeliveringAlpha #McKesson #MedicarePartD — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc Larry Robbins says Walgreen’s is a good stock pick as a winner from Obamacare, — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

25 -30 million patents who have been previously under served will be coming into the healthcare system with #ObamaCare #DeliveryingAlpha — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

5,000 hospitals in the U.S. and 62% of them are for non-profit - Larry Robbins #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Larry Robbins -Glenview has a $2B hospital portfolio. Interesting. @iimag @CNBC #DeliveryingAlpha — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc Larry Robbins, Glenview. Name Affordable Care Act means those over-earning will be losers — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

3:25pm Time for a few Peltzisms, brought to you by Institutional Investor’s intrepid Tweeters:

Peltz says he’s with Icahn (his close friend) on Dell. #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Not so secret formula for business success courtesy of Nelson Peltz: “Sales up, expenses down” #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Plan B? There shouldn’t be one acc to Nelson Peltz. $PEP should still spin off its beverage business w/ or w/o Mondelez #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Ha. “The name Mondelez I hate,” says Trian’s Nelson Peltz. “It sounds like a disease” #DeliveringAlpha — Ben Baris (@bbaris8) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc Nelson Peltz has big stake in Pepsi & wants co to buy Mondelez for $35-38/share. — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

The problem w/ pepsi is not management, it’s structure says Nelson Peltz. #DeliveringAlpha — Ben Baris (@bbaris8) July 17, 2013

Peltz is not in the mood to chat with Andrew Ross Sorkin about a move into DuPont. ~Tense moment at the Pierre~ #DeliveringAlpha — Ben Baris (@bbaris8) July 17, 2013

3:00pm As Nelson Peltz, founding partner of Trian Fund Management, is interviewed by CNBC’s Aaron Ross Sorkin (the interview is entitled Alpha Agitator), here’s a timely reminder from Institutional Investor’s Alpha reporter Stephen Taub on just how Peltz earned his place on the stage.

Read @ii_alpha article on Nelson Peltz’s Trian Partners and how its activist fund rose >12% #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

2:50pm: Some differing views on energy investing:

Feldstein: Natural gas has become less expensive, more abundant and cleaner. #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Clint Carlson: drill baby drill (in his PE portfolio) #DeliveryingAlpha — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

Clint Carlson would buy a refinery. At the right price. Just in case anyone is selling #DeliveryingAlpha @iimag @CNBC — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

Question on Keystone pipeline met with deathly silence on stage by Clint Carlson, Andrew Feldstein and Sindo Oliveros at #DeliveringAlpha — Aaron Timms (@aarontimms) July 17, 2013


The next panel is:

Welcome to the “Powering America” panel with Clint Carlson, Andrew Feldstein, and Gumersindo Oliveros! #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

The big Paulson takeaway

Paulson: Over the next 10 years, housing market will increase 5-10% May be the single best investment. #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Paulson has bought about 30,000 real estate lots in CA, CO, FLA, AZ, as well as a 9 percent stake in Realogy. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

The Luncheon Keynote with John Paulson Here’s a selection of the best tweets as John Paulson, founder and managing partner of Paulson & Co., is interviewed by Carl Quintanilla, co-anchor of CNBC’s ‘Squawk on the Street.’

John Paulson says he is pretty satisfied with his firm’s recent returns. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc John Paulson- we’re getting a lot of attn for gold fund but it’s only 2% of our assets — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

Paulson isn’t giving up on gold. The rationale ... has not gone away. The consequences of printing money over time will be inflation.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

But Paulson admits to a slight caveat. Inflation’s coming, “it’s just hard to predict when.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Housing/real estate recovery set to continue for next 4-7 years, says Paulson. #DeliveringAlpha — Aaron Timms (@aarontimms) July 17, 2013


Chanos says Caterpillar is “tied to wrong products at wrong time” #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013


Jim Chanos is still short his best idea from last year’s #DeliveringAlpha conference: Hewlett-Packard. — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

12:30pm A different approach from Jim “Jimmy” Chanos:

Jimmy Chanos “welcome to this part of the program - destroying alpha.” #DeliveryingAlpha — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

12:20pm So far the abuse of the Best Ideas panel rules has been flagrant: ideas delivered outside of the panel, presentations longer than six minutes, multiple slides ... but that just means more investing information. The latest breach of the rules comes from Mark Kingdon, who slips in another idea:

Mark Kingdon’s pick in #Pharma : Aegerion Pharmaceuticals #Juxtapid #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

12:15pm And the detail-oriented Michael Peltz has another keen-eyed observation:

Like Hohn, Mark Kingdon’s has just three company names on his slide, but no contact info. His funds must be closed. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

12:10pm Mark Kingdon, founder and president of Kingdon Capital Management, also has a pithy pitch.

Mark Kingdon sees Japanese automakers as “the prime beneficiaries of Abenomics.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Mark Kingdon’s #Japan picks: Mazada, Subaru, Toyota #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

11:59am What’s that? You think that Chris Hohn’s Best Idea was given less attention than Leon Cooperman’s? Explanation:

Not much verbiage on Chris Hohn’s one slide for #DeliveringAlpha , apart from the names of his 3 picks and contact details for TCI. — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

11:59am For Chris Hohn, founder, managing partner and portfolio manager of The Children’s Investment Fund Management, his three best ideas can be one tweet:

Chris Hohn’s best ideas: EADS (Airbus), Porsche, Aurizon #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

11:55am: So which stocks does Cooperman favor?

Cooperman likes express scripts, Qualcomm and Thermo Fischer Scientific for growth #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Cooperman: likes qualcorp as and sandridge energy as turnaround stories #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Cooperman’s picks: Express Scripts, Qualcomm, Thermo Fisher, Sandridge among others. $ESRX & $QCOM were picked last year. #DeliveringAlpha — Ben Baris (@bbaris8) July 17, 2013

More Cooperman picks: thl credit kkr financial atlas financial chimera and arbor realty #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

More Cooperman picks: thl credit kkr financial atlas financial chimera and arbor realty #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

11:50am: First up on the Best Ideas panel is Leon Cooperman, whose best idea is ... well, you can probably guess ...

First up Cooperman he has something like 562 stock picks for the audience at #DeliveryingAlpha so we may be here some time. — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

Cooperman: doing victory lap on his prescient calls last year #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Cooperman sees the market “in a zone of fair valuation.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Cooperman is “less ebullient” than last year, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t touting equities this year at #DeliveringAlpha — Ben Baris (@bbaris8) July 17, 2013

Cooperman: equity returns will be less than they have been historically. Market may correct or go sideways for awhile. #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

Cooperman sees another 5-10% in S&P over coming year. “You need a recession to induce a bad market,” and we dont’ see one. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

11:41am This tweet speaks for itself. Unfortunately.

What keeps Leon Cooperman up at night? His prostate. #tmi #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

11:40am It’s nearly here! The Best Ideas panel!

My New Best Idea panel is next up: Chris Hohn, Mark Kingdon, Lee Cooperman & Jim Chanos. #DeliveringAlpha #GameTime — Ben Baris (@bbaris8) July 17, 2013

11:35am It’s not the Best Ideas panel yet, but our Great Rotation panellists have some good ideas nonetheless.

Best ideas: Spokes - European credit. Not distressed, but replacing “what healthier banks would have been doing.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Josh Friedman’s best idea: Ambac #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

Hintze: likes B/ Bb space. What worries me is the focus on what central bankers say. #DeliveringAlpha — Amanda Cantrell (@amandakcantrell) July 17, 2013

11:30am Everyone’s talking rates lately. Here’s what our panel thinks:

Farallon’s Andrew Spokes says it’s impossible to make a living trying to time interest rate moves. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

Fleming on higher rates: “The genie’s out of the bottle, and the genie won’t go back in the bottle.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Fleming worries about US rate normalization. “I’m not sure investors or the economy at large are really ready for that.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

11:20am: Two years in a row at Delivering Alpha, Leon Cooperman described equities as “the best house in the neighborhood.” It comes as no surprise, then, that he’d find it difficult to resist the Great Rotation panel.

L. Cooperman giving his take on why government bonds are not the way to go #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Tom Buerkle, for one, is fine with this.

Lee Cooperman hijacks the great rotation panel at #DeliveringAlpha . No one’s complaining. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Cooperman sees “almost sure capital loss” in bonds over 3 years. “I would rather take my chances with equities.” Seems everyone is on board — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

11:00am: Coming up, the Great Rotation panel, with Gregory J. Fleming, president of Morgan Stanley Investment Management; Joshua S. Friedman, co-founder, co-chairman and co-Chief Executive Officer of Canyon Partners; Michael Hintze, founder and Chief Executive Officer of CQS; and Andrew J.M. Spokes, managing partner of Farallon Capital Management.

10:30am: A lot of love for Preet Bharara in the room, but you can always count on Tom Buerkle to cut through the sentiment and get to the point.

Bharara is entertaining, but not particularly informative. But then, if he had the subpoenas, we’d know by now. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

10:10am: Bharara allows for the nuances of insider trading ...

Preet Bharara says some of the people at hedge fund firms have done good homework but cheated too. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

1st baseball reference, Bharara brings up the steroid era: It doesn’t mean they aren’t great athletes, but they cheated.. #DeliveringAlpha — Ben Baris (@bbaris8) July 17, 2013

... but ultimately:

BHarara compares insider traders to steroid dopers. “You’re not allowed to cheat, not matter how good you are.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

10:00am: Preet Bharara has a seemingly endless stock of very polite threats:

US Attorney Bharara: Nobody should feel comfortable with any communication tool they are using #wiretapping #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

“People should be afraid that their bad acts will catch up to them” - Preet Bharara #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

#deliveringalpha @deliveringalpha @iimag @cnbc Preet Bharara: We’re thinking about holding institutions accountable not just individuals — Jan Alexander (@JanaNYC) July 17, 2013

Preet’s rule of law: by time we make contact, it’s bad news. “You want to avoid getting that phone call.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Preet Bharara says no bank or company is too big to jail. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

Jim Cramer: Shld bank execs fear what you’re doing in your office?Preet Bahara: Yes. #DeliveringAlpha @iimag @CNBC — Frances Denmark (@FrancesDenmark) July 17, 2013

9:50am: International Editor Tom Buerkle invites you to read between the lines of Preet Bharara’s interview.

Preet says people haven’t realized the long time period Fed’s have to bring conspiracy charges. Wonder who he’s thinking of? — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

While Bharara recommends that you don’t ....

Preet Bahara US attorney: a lot of people think they know what’s up our sleeve when they don’t. #DeliveringAlpha @iimag @CNBC — Frances Denmark (@FrancesDenmark) July 17, 2013

9:45: As the Sheriff of Wall Street takes to the stage, it’s worth remembering his joke last year about bringing enough subpoenas for the audience. At least, we think it was a joke. Either way, Editor Mike Peltz is hoping Preet Bharara brought enough this year.

“ @tombuerkle : The Feds are in the room. Looking forward to Preet Bharara’s encore performance at #DeliveringAlpha ” Hope he brings subpoenas — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

US Attorney Preet Bharara w/ Jim Cramer — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

9:25am: In no way surprising that the ‘Global Stage’ panel involved much talk of China. See the tweets for a flavor of the discussion:

Perry: hard to have positions “in” China; build exposure “to” China through other markets, such as commodities. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Richard Perry believes in China’s new government. #DeliveryingAlpha But Perry Capital currently has no significant direct China investments — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

Erdoes on China factor - “It is becoming the responsibility of every investor globally to know what’s happening in China.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Jane Mendillo of Harvard is upbeat on China. #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

#China : House of cards according to Jim Chanos. What do you think? #DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Harvard works with a local partner when making direct investments in China - CIO Jane Mendillo tells the crowed at #DeliveryingAlpha — Imogen Rose-Smith (@ImogenNYC) July 17, 2013

#Bridgewater ‘s McCormick - the growth of debt in China is “not sustainable.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Bridgewater’s David McCormick says that China’s new leadership understands the risk of its shadow banking system #DeliveringAlpha — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

9:00am: It’s time for the first panel:

We welcome Mary Callahan Erdoes, David McCormick, Jane Mendillo, and Richard Perry as “The Global Stage” panelists! #DeliveringAlpha Live Now: “The global stage” panel #deliveringalpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013 — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

8:55am: Another self-imposed deadline -- this one related to the mother of all deadline-busters:

Lew says deadline for resolving debt ceiling is still September. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

8:50am: Jack Lew is making big promises with firm deadlines. Hostages to fortune? We’ll find out by the end of the year, as International Editor Tom Buerkle tweets:

Lew won’t rule out new Glass-Steagall. If we can’t say too big to fail solved by year-end, “we are going to have to look at other options. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Lew vows to accelerate reg reform” “By end of this year, the core elements of the Dodd Frank act will be in place.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

8:40: Strong words so far from Treasury Secretary Jack Lew -- invokes the Great Depression, regulation, Dodd-Frank and its opponents:

Lew tweaks “some in this room” for opposing Dodd-Frank, but says “some alarmist thinking has faded.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Lew urges Congress to properly fund regulators. The cost “is tiny compared with the cost of failure.” Welcomes Cordray appointment. — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

I wonder if Ben Bernanke is watching Jack Lew talk about the Great Depression on @CNBC at #DeliveringAlpha . — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

8:30am It’s all about financial regulation from Jack Lew this morning, as our tweets from Editor Michael Peltz and International Editor Tom Buerkle underline:

Lew at #DeliveringAlpha : Dodd-Frank “ended the notion that any bank is too big to fail.” — Tom Buerkle (@tombuerkle) July 17, 2013

Jack Lew kicks off #DeliveringAlpha with a call for the need for continued financial reform. — Michael Peltz (@mppeltz) July 17, 2013

8:26am: The big moment is nearly here:

AGENDA: 8:30-9:00am Keynote Presentation w/ the 76th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Jacob J. Lew — II Magazine (@iimag) July 17, 2013

Which panels are you most excited to see at #DeliveringAlpha ? See the full agenda by visiting: @DeliveringAlpha — II Magazine (@iimag) July 15, 2013

7:40am: It’s here! The third annual Delivering Alpha conference, the joint Institutional Investor -CNBC investing conference featuring such heavyweight speakers as U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (for more on Bharara, see our full insider trading feature, entitled ‘Wall Street: No Firm Is Above the Law’), president and founder of Kynikos Associates Jim Chanos, and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. To see who else will be speaking, see the full agenda. And to whet your appetite, see our partner CNBC’s preview of the conference (below).

For all the day’s breaking news, stay here for live tweets from Delivering Alpha.
