Top European Equity Research Analysts

Bank of America—Merrill Lynch takes the No. 1 spot in Alpha’s annual ranking of the equity research analysts in Europe who did the best job of servicing hedge funds in 2008. BofA-Merrill Lynch analysts were well positioned to make short-term calls, courtesy of the firm’s “most and least preferred” program, initiated by London-based media analyst Julien Roch (left).


After a series of royal scandals, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II took to calling 1992 an “annus horribilis” — Latin for a year that wasn’t so hot.

No one would argue that equity markets around the globe didn’t have a horrible year too — in 2008 — but which of the sell-side firms in developed Europe did the best job of offering timely research of true value to hedge fund managers? None other than Banc of America Securities–Merrill Lynch, according to Alpha’s ranking of the top firms in...

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