Brummer & Partners

Brummer & Partners broke its streak as one of the world’s 30 largest hedge funds in 2015, settling at No. 34. The Swedish firm first cracked the top quartile of Alpha’s Hedge Fund 100 ranking in 2013, shattering its previous high record of No. 42 in 2003. The Stockholm, Sweden–based firm landed at No. 6 on Alpha’s Europe Hedge Fund 50 in the past two years. Brummer & Partners launched its Zenit fund in 1996, making it Sweden’s first hedge fund manager. It has since held its spot as the largest Scandinavian hedge fund firm. Unlike in the U.S., where only accredited investors can invest in hedge funds, Swedish law allows hedge funds to open funds to retail investors, and Brummer capitalized on this. The largely quant-oriented firm offers the lowest minimum investment requirement in Scandinavia, at $1,250, so that retail investors can access the funds. The founders — Patrik Brummer, Svante Elfving and Per Josefsson — developed a business model that revolves around…

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