Jimmy Cayne’s able hand

Jimmy Cayne never aspired to the world of literature. “I don,t read many newspapers, only the ones that are easy,” quips the gritty Bear Stearns CEO.

Nonetheless, Cayne is sharpening his pencils to begin a new life as a columnist for The New York Sun, a conservative-leaning daily newspaper set to be launched this month. Cayne will be writing about bridge , his great love, after cost-cutting. A 13-time national champion, Cayne has played bridge for more than 50 years and still travels the world to attend four or five tournaments a year. When he’s not on the circuit, the 68-year-old Cayne plays bridge on the Internet two or three nights a week, for three hours at a stretch. “It’s the best,” he says. “We arrange a game, and we meet at 7:30, and it’s live, real time. There’s no conversation, obviously. There’s no looking askance at your partner, obviously. It’s phenomenal.” Does he ever play online at Bear? “No,” insists Cayne, who will cowrite the column with Michael Ledeen, a foreign policy expert at the American Enterprise Institute. “I am never in the office at 7:30.”
