Employees Pick, Retirees Nix Guaranteed Income Plans

One in three workers say they would put between 25% to 49% of their retirement money in an instrument that would produce a guaranteed amount each month, while only 13% of those already retired would do the same.

One in three workers say they would put between 25% to 49% of their retirement money in an instrument that would produce a guaranteed amount each month, while only 13% of those already retired would do the same, according to the Principal Financial Well-Being Index. The study also found that an additional 32% of respondents would allocate between 50% and 74% to a guaranteed income fund, vs. 15% of retirees. That means 55% of active workers prefer a steady-income stream in the allocations described, while only 28% would choose it. The survey also found that 82% favored financial planning assistance at work, with 49% willing to pay for it through their employers as long as it is reasonably priced.