Eastern Europe Seen As Hottest Market For Mezzanine Financing

Nearly half of those polled (48.9%) say Eastern Europe is the market that will provide the greatest business opportunities for mezzanine financing in the next two to five years, followed by Scandinavia (17%) and the Far East (14.9%), according to a Mezzanine 2006 survey.

Nearly half of those polled (48.9%) say Eastern Europe is the market that will provide the greatest business opportunities for mezzanine financing in the next two to five years, followed by Scandinavia (17%) and the Far East (14.9%), according to a Mezzanine 2006 survey. Respondents to the survey sponsored by the conference to be held in Paris in late April also said real estate was the main driver of the current market place (39.1%), followed by telecoms (21.7%) and pharmaceuticals (19.6%). But those surveyed did not see mezzanine explosive growth in the next two years. Only 12.8% said mezzanine will be hot during that time, while 38.3% pointed to distressed funds. Hybrid securities and high yield bond each grabbed 17% of the responses.