Vacation Reading

I’m getting on a plane home at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. And when I land in San Francisco, I’m taking off until 2013. For those of you working straight through the New Year, fear not, I have compiled a few interesting papers that I think will make for some good reading.


I’m off on vacation until 2013. If, however, you’re not on vacation... or you’re on vacation but are kind of bored can read these interesting papers:

- Let’s start with... my stuff. (Sorry.) As I mentioned yesterday, Gordon Clark and I have just finished a paper on in-house asset management. Thanks in advance for reading and sending feedback.

- Next, to understand why Gordon and I wrote the paper above, go read this interesting article from aiCIO on the challenges facing US pension funds today. You’ll be reaching for a glass of that special egg nog before you finish. Trust me.

- There’s a rather interesting new “Sovereign Wealth Funds Report” that was just published by ESADEgeo that has a variety of interesting articles and data. It’s worth snooping through.

- Ton Van Den Bremer and Frederick van der Ploeg have a new paper entitled “Managing and Harnessing Volatile Oil Windfalls”. I’ve been meaning to read it and will finally do so on the plane home tomorrow.

- Finally, let’s end with... more of my stuff. (Again, sorry.) I recently published a white paper entitled, “A Public-Private Infrastructure Cooperative for California” with Julie Kim and Christopher D. Petitt. Again, we’d love to hear your feedback.

Enjoy your vacation!
