The 2014 All-Europe Research Team Winners in the Spotlight: Victoria Lee


Greg Funnell

< The 2014 All-Europe Research Team Victoria LeeLeisure & HotelsBarclays


Barclays debuted in the runner-up position in 2010 under the guidance of co-captains Julian Easthope and Victoria Lee. Two years later the latter became solo leader after Easthope moved over to cover luxury goods companies (his team earns a runner-up spot in that sector),and this year shepherds the squad to its first appearance in the winner’s circle after three straight years at No. 2.

The recently wed Lee, now Stern, says she believed that becoming an equity analyst would be “a really good base from which to learn about companies and industries” in the Leisure & Hotels sector.

“I was keen for a job that had a good mix of analysis and interaction with corporates and investors,” explains the 33-year-old, who is headquartered in London. “Eleven years on, and I’m still learning!”

Lee’s enthusiasm for the job is infectious. “The most satisfying moments are when you have a stock idea or a new angle on a company that you feel is really exciting or different. Writing that report and then discussing it with investors is hugely rewarding,” she insists. “It’s also fascinating to understand what investors are thinking. I can speak to 20 or more investors on any given day, and it’s extremely insightful to hear their range of views on stocks, sectors and the market.”

She does note a downside, however: “There’s never enough time to do everything I want to do!”Read Her Profile


