BlackRock Tops List of the 300 Biggest U.S. Money Managers BlackRock’s $15.2 billion purchase of Barclays Global Investors from Barclays last year created the $3.3 trillion behemoth that tops the II300, Institutional Investor‘s annual ranking of the 300 biggest U.S. money managers. With $1.9 trillion in assets, Boston-based State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) is the second-largest firm in the II300.
The biggest winners in 2009 were firms that offer fixed-
Choosing America’s Biggest Money Managers The II 300 ranks America’s largest money managers by assets under management. In conformity with the traditional view of the money management business, assets are defined as discretionary assets under management for the account of customers for which an organization has contractual authority to make buy and sell decisions. We ask firms to report assets under management for their entire organization--including subsidiaries. The ranking includes insurance companies, banks, investment management firms, internally managed pension funds, mutual fund companies and hedge funds. Domestic and non-U.S. equities include convertibles. ADR’s are included in non-U.S. equities. Domestic and non-U.S. fixed income include preferred stock and mortgage backed securities. Real estate includes debt and equity. Alternative investments may include derivatives, venture capital, oil & gas, timberland, and hedge fund investments. Tax-exempt assets represent assets from tax-exempt sources, such as pension funds, foundations and endowments. The rankings were compiled by Researchers Emily Kaemmerlen and Valentina McKenzie under the supervision of Senior Editor Jane B. Kenney.
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