Base Salary

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Mean Median
2014 2013 2014 2013
Job Function
Investment Professionals $166,785 $181,871 $150,000 $150,000
Chief Executive Officer 261,488 408,836 225,000 250,000
Chief Investment Officer 256,851 412,781 250,000 250,000
Senior Analyst 161,375 155,411 150,000 140,000
Junior Analyst 110,425 95,803 117,500 92,500
Senior Portfolio Manager 188,559 188,237 200,000 200,000
Junior Portfolio Manager 142,268 134,711 148,776 120,000
Trader 144,748 143,999 150,000 150,000
Noninvestment Professionals 195,199 191,211 200,000 200,000
Chief Compliance Officer 204,734 196,881 200,000 200,000
Legal/General Counsel 207,222 198,000 200,000 200,000

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